08 Cinema 4D Tutorials: Lights

In this 8th episode of intro to Cinema 4D Tutorials, you’ll learn how the lights work. The tools that will be covered are the omni, spot, target, area, and infinite lights.

The topics that will be covered in this tutorial are the following:

The different types of lights available in Cinema 4D.

How each light type affects the overall look of the scene.

Controlling the color of your lights.

Enabling shadows and adjusting their color and density.

Using the visible light function.

Light Falloff: Inverse square, linear, and step.

Adding noise to your lights and adjusting the perimeters.

For an explanation of how IES lights work, check out this tutorial by digital sandwich: http://www.digitalsandwich.net/ies-lights/

If you have any questions about any specific light features, insights that you’d like to share, or tutorials you like to see created, please leave a comment below.

About the author

Hi, I’m Pete Maric. I grew up in Cleveland and graduated from CIA. After freelancing for a number of years, I launched Triplet 3D in 2013. I am interested in anything design related, from architecture to animation and am inspired by good books, progressive ideas, art and music. I also play guitar and gig regularly in the Cleveland area.

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