Demolition Derby Using Motors in Cinema 4D

Animate a Demolition Derby Using Motors in Cinema 4D

Welcome to this course on Animating a Demolition Derby Using Dynamics and Motors in Cinema 4D.

The topics that will be covered include the following:

Organizing and preparing the model for efficiency. 

Adding connectors and motors to the car wheels and body.

Using rigid body tags on the car and environment for physically accurate collisions. Adjusting the rigid body properties of bounce, friction, and torque.

Creating the environment, ramps, and additional collision elements using the Mograph cloner. 

Ready to learn a simple method of animating a car in Cinema 4D? Enroll today on Skillshare.

About the author

Hi, I’m Pete Maric. I grew up in Cleveland and graduated from CIA. After freelancing for a number of years, I launched Triplet 3D in 2013. I am interested in anything design related, from architecture to animation and am inspired by good books, progressive ideas, art and music. I also play guitar and gig regularly in the Cleveland area.

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